Monday, March 12, 2012

Get this....

Happy Monday...well, almost Tuesday actually. What a day! I have lots to ramble about but can't wrap my head around writing *just* the right thing... Ever have those days? 

I haven't shared too much about a very personal journey I am on...actually I have two biggies and they both really correlate with the many ways...

I will kind of start with my Christian walk. When my mother was dying, less than two years ago, she made me promise I would be right with God, be at peace, have a relationship with Him and our Savior. She didn't want me to have the fear and unrest of being on the brink of death just grasping not only for air, but the peace and reassurance of going to Heaven. At that time, less than two years ago, I said I would pray, I would plead with God, but I wasn't "filled" with the Holy Ghost...The one thing needed, above all to totally grasp scripture, to pray boldly and to be at peace with my mothers impending death. My husband, being very wise in scripture, my mom counted on him to help her find peace, to pray with her...she could see and feel at peace with him. She made him promise to help me have a relationship with Our Father in Heaven.

I can go into a zillion excuses why I wasn't able to totally devote my life to Christ. Then, 17 November 2011, my birthday, I was driving home from my home town almost 70 miles away. I just got this overwhelming feeling, I can't explain it, over come by the prompting of the Spirit inside of me, but about 45 minutes from my house, I broke down. I went to praying...praying as if my life depended on it, and it really DOES! I submitted myself and asked for forgiveness. I think I cried and prayed all the way home. I prayed on everything going on in my merry-go-round of thoughts! When I was done I felt a peace I had been needing so badly since my mother had died. I even asked God to tell mom hi, that I love her and I'm okay. Is that okay to do? I don't know everything...I barely have scratched the surface in my knowledge of the Bible and all it's glorious passages, but I do know, "I can do all thing's through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 (That happens to be my husband's life verse). 

So as the two year date of my mothers death approaches, I want to have grown more and more everyday so she, but mostly God, see's my faith, my life change and transform. 

I have read some pretty amazing "Christian" blogs, women of faith and wonderful testimonies in various blogs and have been very inspired...I also have had many many blessings and have had others working on me to be better and inspired...But last night, as I was writing a letter to my dad, I was actually so full of the spirit I couldn't stop writing to him, to share what I had learned.

This is MY life verse!

Lastly, because I didn't intend on this being so long, I have to say my biggest struggle is even though I have never been a "bad" person...didn't make the best choices at times, I have always believed in God and His Son and His sacrifice for us...However, I know God is seeing a wonderful work in me, I pray others in my life will as well and respect that...I have faith, in time, it will be evident and how WONDERFUL that will be!


  1. Can I just say Jane. I love ya! YOU are an awesome person. I am proud to know you. May God bless us both on our spiritual journey back to Him. Hugs alot. Cherie

  2. Thank you Cherie! I love and miss ya!!! We are close now, we need to do lunch...we need to make it happen :)

  3. I know we need to get together! UGH...I really don't do anything. I am hoping to be working SOMEWHERE soon...Maybe I will have money then..haha. Will keep in touch until it happens! OK?

  4. Sounds like a know, we don't need money...I can make some yummy iced herbal tea...Just need some sunshine for that :) HUGS my friend!!!
