Thursday, March 29, 2012

I See You!

Hey Hey Hey! It's Thursday!! Where has the week gone?? It's been quite a few days since I have blogged...So here GOES!

Funny thing happened today...I was in a neighboring town and had wanted to stop at this Health Food Store for awhile, but always have kids or am in a hurry so never have been able to stop...well, I just so happened to be in that little town and stopped in! There was a sign out front that said "Free Eye Reading". I thought what the heck...The sweetest gal ever was working behind the counter...she was actually the Owners daughter. Her father has had the store for 50 years and has been in the natural health business since. And you could tell...everyone looked healthy, trim and happy!

So anyway, I get my eyes read...She hit the nail on the head on four issues she found just by reading my eye balls! I was astonished! She GOT my attention real quick. Everything she shared wasn't dire straights, but things she seen needing improving. I asked if they were serious and she said no... and if they were she said she always refers to a Physician. So I walked out with two herbal supplements. The best part was she didn't pressure to purchase there...In fact she said when I was ready I could always come back...But I'm thinking, um...I wanna get this going!!!

But the cool thing was, it made me think of the scriptures

Matthew 6:22
The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.

Luke 11:34
The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. 

How true it feels! Not only can we see the health through our eyes, but the light of Christ. Having the love of Christ, shining in our eyes, window's to our our whole being! And when our health is bad...mental or physical, it shows in our eyes...when we are happy...sad...all our emotions project through our eyes!!!

Ever since my now 10 year old son was little, when he would wake up in the morning or after a nap I'd say "I see stars in your eyes" and he always grinned and smiled...with his eyes!

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