Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Random Thoughts from Insomnia

Certain things in life happen for a reason...we don't always know why at the time, and then again we may never know...I do know you can't make excuse after excuse...Life is so short, make the best of it...try putting someone else first, being selfish only bites you in the butt...The past is called "the past" for a reason...I always used to say "God gave us tomorrows to make up for today" but then I thought, what if *this is* my last day? Why not make the very best of today? Why not look into your heart and do the right How many try to put others first? Even those you desire to suffer...WHO is *really* suffering? YOU! Because you can't get over yourself enough to make others happy or take chances...Chances are, they have no clue you are harboring anything, so there again, thus hurting your self! And by golly if I want to BELIEVE in God, BELIEVE in His Son as our Savior and we are saved by faith and grace of His blood, then I will! You believe what you so desire...Every single one of us is given that freedom! You have to fight for what you believe in to be the best...but not always best for YOU....

OOoooo....did you think I was done? Not a chance! This was just the mini-novel I posted on Facebook!  I will admit, I had some personal emotion behind it, but for the most part, feelings from others' comments as well as a very dear friends post, just made me want to say *something* I mean we are all so good at wanting/needing/giving advice...((OH and I can always get the plain hard truth from the hub and besties))...But as most of us know, it;s through prayer and meditation! God already knows the out come, we just have to be faithful and prayerful so He can show us favor as He sees...God wants us to boldly come to Him with our needs! Just remember what the motives are, who or what are you begging Him to bless? 

Just a side effect of not being able to sleep...Sure hope this isn't one of those blogs that you re-read in the morning and go "OH MY"!


  1. Well, I think you have the right to believe what you want to believe...I love ya! NO MATTER WHAT...of course, I believe what you said too. I appreciate your lack of sleep posts! Keep em up! Hugs Jane. Get some sleep now. :)

  2. Thanks Cherie :O) Sometimes I wonder what I *think* then write makes any sense...LOL You are always so sweet and encouraging!! You can bottle that positive energy you always seem to share :) Love ya!

  3. hey Jane! First I want to thank you for joining my "Family of Readers". I look forward getting to know you better. Boy! Did you hit the nail on the head or what?! That's some good preachin'! I don't remember the exact chapter and verse, but I do remember Jesus saying in Matthew 23:10-12: (10) Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. (11) But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. (12) And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. That passage says it in a nutshell. We are to put HIS will before our own. We are to be about our Father's business, and we can't do that and have "ME" on the brain. Well done Jane!
    God Bless,

  4. Hey Jane! Yep! This is a continuation of my comment! LOL! Talk about typing in my sleep! I commented that I didn't remember the chapter and verse of the scripture, and then looked it up! LOL! I just forgot to delete that sentence. LOL!

