Saturday, November 13, 2010


Ahhh, November... The last month of the year where it's a cross between Indian Summer, Fall and Winter. The warmth of the sun, the crinkling of the leaves and the cold night air.. And... My birthday... Not quite the big 4-0, but not too far from it... Trying to prepare for that glorious day. Won't be the same, instead of the firsts from being little, it will be firsts without mom. The first Mothers Day was hard, my first surgery without her, Josh's birthday and next my birthday...then Thanksgiving and Christmas... Not to mention the other boys' birthdays. So, all these events coming up without my mama... I know she's here with us. I can feel her presence at times... Maybe, maybe not, but I'd like to think what she said she'd do she is... and that's letting me know she's around...

I love and miss you so much mom!

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